Visit our HP Printer Printing Blank Pages windows 10 website for the top 5 fixes for "HP Printer Printing Blank Page." Check to see if the cartridge vents are clogged. Several causes, such as print settings, low ink, or the product itself, can cause the product to print blank pages. To see if your printer can detect cartridges, try using a different ink cartridge. Whether your printer used to function with an older cartridge, try installing it again and seeing if it generates any output–any shade of grey would suffice. If Windows Update detects an updated driver, it will automatically download and install it, and your printer will utilize it.

5 simple fixes to try:- 1. Check ink cartridges.
2. Run the Windows printer troubleshooter.
3. Update the printer driver.
4. Download and run HP Print and Scan Doctor.
5. Configure Print Spooler service.
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